Anyways, this was the second of the themed events we've been organising recently. The last PINK party we had was hilarious. This time we decided that the food was going to be decent Christmasy food but all of us had to dressed in a mismatched fashion. What that meant was that we basically just had to look obiang. Most of the people followed through except for D & I. Apparently, I wasn't obiang enough for them when I turned up in pink and blue. Well, just imagine one of them was wearing a graphic printed shirt with striped pants and another with green polka dot top with a brown velvet skirt. We had lotsa games also with efforts from Lan who surprised with plans for charades. Then we had lotsa laughter with homemade Twister. There was also a gift exchange in which I got pjs (thanks pei!).
Food was really in abundance so we ended up with lotsa doggy bags to bring home. Dinner was deliciously prepared by Uncle Wee at Mum's canteen. We had all the works; turkey and chestnut stuffing with giblet gravy, honey baked ham, baked salmon fillet with white wine cream sauce, bbq pork ribs and everyone's favourite of the night, baked mashed potatoes.

Lan brought us a chocolate log cake from The Regent and Pei & XW made lovely sangria which I couldn't get enough of. The above is log cake number 3 for me this season. Although I'm not the biggest fan of chocolate (I get weird stares all the time when I say that), I loved the cherries that were in the middle. D also brought over a little of the Grand Cru Valrhona Chocolate Nougat & Pear Log Cake from Goodwood Park for me to try so that was log cake number 4. Didn't get much of a tasting out of that though but what I did try, I liked. Tasted like ice cream actually. Apparently, it won the award for best log cake in 2004 by Streats, the now defunct newspaper. I really don't recall having so many log cakes in previous years cos for me, it's always been about the ham and turkey although technically, turkey is Thanksgiving, not Christmas food.
By the way, did I mention that I wanted a juicy roasted bone-in gammon ham for Christmas??