Monday, January 01, 2007

a recap of 2006.

Another year has just come and gone. I didn't even realise that time just flew past like that. It's been a pretty memorable year for me in many different ways. I've travelled more, experienced different food and culture, made new like-minded friends and for the first time, I actually fulfilled my new year resolutions!! Well, most of it anyways... The only thing I didn't really do is host a dinner for a BIG group of friends but I did have a very small one.. that counts at least to me!

I'm still thinking about what I should set out to achieve in 2007. I'll update again when my brain juices get flowing. My brain and body's taking a well deserved break during this rare 4-day holiday. Rest well everyone and have a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2007 be a blessed one for all with good company and great food.

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