Anyways, Mum's been really busy in the kitchen for the past few days preparing for the whole new year season. She never disappoints when it comes to times like this. While I'm writing this, I can already feel my bloating stomach and it's only the first day of CNY but I haven't stopped stuffing my face since reunion dinner last night. I don't know how many people are like me to have "2" reunion dinners in one night. Well, for starters, we had cold crab with lots of smooth and creamy roe and 'pan choi' which we took home from Lei Garden. I've never had it before but it was delicious and filled with many goodies that most will eat only during CNY. It has one whole abalone, sea cucumber, fish maw, conpoy etc etc. Pics not very clear but you should get the idea.

After that course was over, we had to take a rest cos our stomachs were decently filled up so Mum came up with the idea of eating dessert cos we should always eat sweet after salty right?? *nod*
Mum made a creamy and smooth barley beancurd dessert. Mum tried this version of the dessert at a shop in Chinatown. Somehow, she managed to replicate it and made it even better. Had it before the 1st and after the 2nd course. So anyways, CNY must-have was my 2nd course. Steamboat. This year's steamboat tasted somewhat different. Dad had the kooky idea of putting a dollar coin into this muah-chee tasting beancurd skin package. Innovative but didn't work cos my grandpa got the lucky package but lost money at mahjong today. Heh. The beef was good this year though. It has a decent amount of marbling which made the meat a little crunchy after blanching it in the hot soup. Splendid with the soy based shabu shabu sauce.
Well that was all last night. Mum cooked up a storm for the rest of my extended family today but when everyone sat down, people started diving for the food. In the midst of the commotion (typical in a large family), I forgot to take pics to share. To give a rough picture, it involved some sotong paste stuffed in sea cucumber, ngoh hiang and pig trotters. So... excuse me whilst I go on eating for the next 14 days. The show's just begun. I can't wait.